Immunotherapy is the treatment of disease by enhancement or specific stimulation of the anti tumoral immune response in the patients body. Once the desired immune response is induced, the immune system itself begins to address the condition that is the target of treatment. There are a variety of research areas of immunology that focus on different ways of inducing the desired immune response. And There are many techniques and applications of immunology that are being studied for the control of numerous diseases. EMINDES CANCER is focused on the application of Passive Specific Immunotherapy in the treatment of various forms of Cancer.
Full Spectrum Specific Immunotherapy
At the core of our treatment offer is Full Spectrum Specific Immunotherapy. This treatment consist of an induction process of the anti tumoral immune response so the patient's immune system can learn how to address and correct the specific imbalance that is allowing cancer to proliferate in their body. In order to achieve this result, a blood sample is drawn and through our proprietary process the specific immune response inductor is generated and provided to the patient in capsule form. It is important to note that our proprietary process is based entirely on biological components and no preservatives or excipients are administered to the patient. Therefore the side effects are virtually non existent. Perhaps the patient would experience stronger side effects from the ingestion of a heavy meal than from the application of this treatment. Steps to the application of Full Spectrum Specific Immunotherapy
Medicine Production
The patient's specific medicine is produced in our laboratory by highly specialized staff. The production process takes approximately fifteen days. It is not possible to rush this as it depends on biological processes. The end result is enough capsules to be applied for five months. It is not adviseable to generate medicine for more than 5 months because the effect of the treatment and evolution of the illness will alter the patient's own immunological response and this creates a new immunological environment. The original blood sample would no longer represent accurately the new immunological environment It is therefore necessary to draw a fresh blood sample to generate new medicine based on the current immunological status of the patient. Maintenance Phase
When the patient's clinical condition is normal and there is no expression of the illness in clinical, imaging or laboratory exams, the treatment will move from the induction phase to the maintenance phase. At this stage, progressively lower dosages of the medicine are applied until the patient is weaned off completely and can live normally without additional treatment.
Induction Phase
During this phase the patient will be taking medicine made for his or her specific pathology and to work with his or her specific immune system. The medicine will stimulate the patient's immune system to produce the immune response he or she needs to re-establish the proper immune balance in their system. Their immune system should in turn control the tumoral response in your body. Our Physician will determine the appropiate protocol to administer treatment. This may consist of taking as many as 20 capsules a day on specific schedules during a five month period. It is very important to strictly adhere to the protocol in order to take maximum advantage of the treatment. If you are unable to swallow capsules you may be able to disolve the contents in a beverage or dicuss alternative application methods with our physician. Once the first phase of treatment is completed the condition of the illness is assessed and a course of treatment is recommended. This would likely be another induction phase. |
Cost of Treatment
The cost of any treatmet should be measured not only in monetary terms but also in how it impacts the patient's quality of life. Full Spectrum Specific Immunotherapy excels on both counts. Even though the production of your medicine for Full Spectrum Specific Immunotherapy is a labor intensive process that requires fifteen days in our laboratories, we strive to make this therapeutic tool affordable for patients. Your doctor will discuss the specific treatment plan and cost options with you. But you can expect that the price of this treatment is significantly lower than that of conventional cancer treatments. Financially speaking it is significantly more affordable than other options. More importantly, the fact that this treatment does not in any way impact your quality of life demonstrates that it should definitely be cosidered as an option when evaluating Cancer treatments. If you decide to take the trip to Peru for this treatment, you can enjoy a wonderful vacation visiting one of the premier tourist destinations in the world while we work hard at producing your medicine. We know that visiting Peru will rank among the best travel experiences of your life.